eagle eye bird controlEagle Eye™ Bird control

The Eagle Eye™ is a bird-reduction unit, and is also ideal to use in conjunction with complementary products such as the Eagle Eye Nightmare™ Sound System, bird-spikes, netting etc.


The Eagle Eye™ system has made bird-control affordable, simple and environmentally friendly.

The Eagle Eye™ bird scarer is an effective bird deterrent device that harmlessly relocates birds. Birds are irritated by reflected light beams that flash at various angles from a rotating Eagle Eye™ unit.

The system has been extensively tested and used at hundreds of locations in South Africa as well as Internationally.

Facilities and situations include resorts, food production facilities, waste treatment plants, correctional facilities, hospitals, libraries, government buildings, tourist facilities, golf courses, bowling greens, and horticultural crops to name but a few.

Nightmare Sound System for Sparrow and Pigeon control.

The Nightmare Sound System is an effective, easy-to-install system that emits varying high-frequency sounds to deter Sparrows and Pigeons.

A large amount of success have been achieved world-wide with this system. Perfect for Warehouses, Homes, Balconies, Rooftops, Walkways, Hotels and many more.

An 80% reduction of infestation may be expected. Guaranteed!

nightmare sound system for sparrow and pigeon controlPigeons and Sea-gulls are a massive problem for Yacht- and boat owners worldwide. The birds are perching on the vessels, and their acidic droppings are damaging the surface, as well as the aesthetic value of the boat.

This Wind-driven Eagle Eye™ unit has been modified to be attached to the spreader system, and can be hoisted up with a pulley system. This unit is easily accessible to clean and maintain.


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